Committee Chairman

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Every pack is under the supervision of the pack committee. The Pack Committee Chair is responsible for the administration, oversight and support of the pack program. This person will be able to communicate and relate to the scouts and families. This person should be able to delegate responsibilities and set a good example through behavior and attitude. This person does not have to be a uniform leader.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Maintain a close relationship with Chartered Organization Representative (COR) and the Chartered Organization
  • Work with COR to provide adequate and safe facilities for the pack
  • Work with COR and facilities person on scheduling and use of facilities for the year. The requests for scheduling and facilities use for the upcoming year will sent in during the summer months. Request facilities use on non Tuesday events such as; Derbies, Blue and Gold Banquet and other events.
  • Coordinate Blue and Gold Banquet.
  • Supervise pack committee operation by:
    • Calling and presiding at monthly pack leaders meetings.
    • Calling and presiding at monthly committee meetings.
    • Assigning committee members various roles and duties
    • Approve bills before payment by the pack treasurer
    • Recruit for these roles within the pack: Treasurer, Secretary, Med Forms Coordinator, Training Coordinator, other roles as those arise.
  • Work as a team with Cubmaster on the follow duties:
    • Ensure the pack has a quality year round program filed with fun and activities that qualify dens and the pack for the National Summertime Award.
    • Confer as a team on policy matters relating to the Pack and the Chartered Organization
    • Provide guidance to Webelos Den Leaders on bridging our scouts to a Boy Scout Troop. Help make sure it is a smooth transition.
    • Maintain good relations with parents and guardians. Seek their input and support for activities.
    • Recruit Den Leaders and Assistant Cub-masters
    • Recruit parents and guardians to serve in a variety of volunteer positions
    • See volunteer position document for more details
    • Work together to develop and execute year around recruiting for all ranks.
    • Conduct annual planning meetings in the summer which includes both Den Leaders and Committee Members. There are 2 planning sessions, 1 in June and 1 in July. The June session is a review of the past year and begins working on the upcoming year. The July meeting finalizes the upcoming on a pack level. The Den Leaders begin planning for the upcoming for their respective dens.

This person is at least 21 years old and is registered as an adult leader of the BSA. This person will complete all training that is required for this position

Monthly Calendar for Committee